My presentation at the ICOM Europe | ICOM Germany conference "Museums, Borders and European Responsibilities - 100 Years from WWI". Read here.
Monday, 26 November 2018
Where do we go from here? This is the real dope
My presentation at the ICOM Europe | ICOM Germany conference "Museums, Borders and European Responsibilities - 100 Years from WWI". Read here.
Saturday, 15 September 2018
Sunday, 2 September 2018
Who’s welcome to your home and at your table?
To Lambrina and Sam, Eleni and Nikos
To good friends and good discussions
Last June, Sarah
Huckabee Sanders, the White House Press Secretary, was asked to leave the Red
Hen restaurant. The request was made by the restaurant owner.
In mid-August, the
invitation to Marine Le Pen, former French
presidential candidate and leader of the National Rally political party,
to attend the Web Summit in Lisbon was followed by public outcry. The
invitation was eventually withdrawn.
Both incidents raised
questions regarding freedom of speech; whether one can fight extremist
political views and address the roots of the rise of the far-right by banning
or ignoring certain viewpoints; and whether by excluding some people you don’t
also become like them yourself.
Saturday, 4 August 2018
How easy is it to put your children in a boat?
The fire in Mati (Greece, 2018; image taken from Facebook) |
“Do you see how easily
you put your children in a boat when in despair or in danger?”, someone wrote
on Twitter on 26 July, when the whole of Greece was in profound shock after the
tragic fire that claimed so many lives. As the personal stories of those who
perished and those who survived, tried to save their loved ones or people they
didn’t know at all were emerging, turning the tragedy into something less and
less abstract, someone made this connection between the people who put their
children in boats to be taken to safety during the fire and the refugees who
attempt the perilous, often deadly, crossing of the sea. How many people made
that connection? What kind of people made that connection? Would this
connection ever occur to someone with a negative attitude towards refugees and
migrants? Would this tweet be enough to make someone reconsider?
Saturday, 14 July 2018
Thursday, 12 July 2018
Does it concern us?
Syrian archaeologist Khaled al-Asaad, murdered by ISIS in August 2015 (Photo: Marc Deville/Getty) |
Sunday, 8 July 2018
Museum profissionals: new skills
My article in the latest issue of ICOM Portugal News Bulletin (Series III, June 2018, Nr. 12), available in english here.
Saturday, 7 July 2018
Guest post: "Pioneer Cities of Culture and how Istanbul changed the narrative", by Filiz Ova
World Cultural Cities (Tianfu) Symposium, Chengdu, China |
I am writing this article from from Beijing, on my way back from the World Cultural Cities (Tianfu) Symposium in Chengdu, China. I am amazed by their openness, friendly hospitality and, at the same time, their urge to westernize. It reminds me very much of Turkey at the beginning of the Republic, when scholars, artists, specialists from Europe were invited to implement the principles of high culture. Contrary to China, however, not with the aim to become a global superpower, but with the somewhat naïve intention to become a secular democratic Republic.
Monday, 11 June 2018
Discussing the decolonisation of museums in Portugal
Photo: Maria Vlachou |
I love museums. I love them for what they are; I love them for what they are not, but can be; I love them for their potential. I especially love them because of the work developed by a number of colleagues around the world so that museums may adapt to new realities, remain or become relevant for people, and even reinvent themselves. I particularly love them lately because of the controversies they cause or face, pushing our thinking and practice forward.
Saturday, 26 May 2018
Can there be political democracy without cultural democracy?
Artemrede, Project Odisseias, "Histórias em Viagem" |
Sunday, 20 May 2018
Cultural appropriation: less gatekeepers, more critical thinkers
"La Japonaise" by Claude Monet, Museum of Fine Arts Boston (image taken from |
For Nandia
My first contact with
the concept of cultural appropriation happened in July 2015 because of “Kimono Wednesdays” at the Museum of
Fine Arts Boston (MFA). On the occasion of the display of Claude Monet’s “La
Japonaise” (a painting of the artist’s wife, surrounded by fans, wearing a
blond wig and a bright red kimono), visitors were invited to put on a kimono
similar to the one shown on the painting and share their photos on social media.
According to the museum, this was a way of engaging with the painting. For some
people, though, the activity lacked any context regarding the garment, becoming
just “fun”; others criticized it for reinforcing stereotypes and exoticizing
Asian Americans; for others, it was blatant racism; (read Seph Rodney’s article).
Saturday, 5 May 2018
“Lindonéia, the suburb’s Gioconda”: my first visit to the Pinacoteca of São Paulo
"Lindonéia, the suburb's Gioconda", Rubens Gerchman, Pinacoteca de São Paulo (Photo: Maria Vlachou) |
“Na frente do espelho
Sem que ninguém a visse
Lindonéia desaparecida
Despedaçados, atropelados
Cachorros mortos nas ruas
Policiais vigiando
O sol batendo nas frutas
Ai, meu amor
A solidão vai me matar de dor (...)”
Caetano Veloso, “Lindonéia”
One thing I noticed
right from my first visits to the museums of São Paulo (Brazil) was that long
introductory texts are greatly appreciated. The exhibition "Brazilian Vanguard of the 1960s – the Roger Wright Collection",
at the Pinacoteca of São Paulo, was no exception.
Wednesday, 25 April 2018
The Museum of (my) Discoveries
Exhibition "Return - Traces of Memory", Monument odf the Discoveries, Lisbon, 2015 (Photo: Maria Vlachou) |
I'm Portuguese by
adoption. When I arrived in Portugal, in 1995, the only thing I knew about the
history of the country had to do with the Discoveries (of sea routes and
spices, taught in my country in the 7th or 8th grade). Over the years, I have
been "discovering" the rest (even with regard to the Discoveries and
beyond the sea routes and the spices). The story I was taught in school was, as
usual, only one part.
Thursday, 12 April 2018
Towards Cultural Access and Participation in Portugal
My article for the magazine Howlround, on the occasion of the IETM plenary meeting that takes place in Porto this monht. Read the article
Saturday, 17 March 2018
Art, Community and Leadership debated at the ISPA Congress
Photo: Christopher Duggan Photography |
Thursday, 15 February 2018
Let's set Mark Deputter free
Image taken from the newspaper Público. Photo: Nuno Ferreira Santos |
It was a good exercise
for all of us the with conversation with the Municipal Councilor for Culture
Catarina Vaz Pinto (CVP) yesterday at the Maria Matos Theatre (MMT). As it has
been a good exercise all the discussion generated after the announcement of her
decision to lease MMT and turn it into a for-profit space with programming for a
larger public.
Monday, 29 January 2018
Still on Maria Matos: a theatre's ethos
"Have a Great day!", by Vaiva Grainytė, Lina Lapelytė, Rugilė Barzdžiukaitė (Photo: Simonas Svitra). Maria Matos Theatre, 2017 |
Ethos: (Greek éthos, -ous) noun
distinguishing character, sentiment, moral nature, or guiding beliefs of a person, group or institution
Source: Merriam-Webster dictionary
Anne Pasternak became the director of the Brooklyn Museum in New York in 2015, succeeding Arnold L. Lehman, who had held the post for 18 years. Anne impressed me positively in her first interview for the New York Times when she stated: "I am excited to build on that ethos of welcome".
At the time of
Pasternak's appointment, there were several voices criticising the choice of
someone who had never worked in a museum before. However, this sentence, right at
the end of the article in the New York Times, was enough for me to think: She got
it! She understood "who" the museum she's going to work for is!
Sunday, 28 January 2018
TS Elliot, a terrible hip-hop artist
A photo of the project Contratempos in the This is PARTIS programme. |
The Guardian recently
wrote about a critique by poet Rebecca Watts, entitled “The cult of the noble amateur”, where she
attacks the work of a cohort of young female poets considering it “the open
denigration of intellectual engagement and rejection of craft”. The text
resulted in a very interesting, and welcome, debate regarding the value of
“high” and “popular” poetry. The answer of Scottish poet Don Patterson (winner
of the TS Elliot award and publisher of two of the young poets in question) was
captivating: " You don’t have to like what people do, but I think you
measure it against its own ambitions. Otherwise it’s like saying TS Eliot was a
terrible hip-hop artist. True, but so what.”
Saturday, 13 January 2018
What Maria Matos means to me (or, why did I sign the petition)
On December 17, 2017,
the newspaper Público published an interview with the Councilor of Culture of
Lisbon, Catarina Vaz Pinto, where it was announced that "[the theatre]
Maria Matos (MM) will have a very different programming model, with longer running
periods and a greater concern in attracting audiences, in order to be
profitable". The news was surprising to me, to say the least. I would say
more, I remember that, as I read, I felt a kind of physical pain.